Reach Higher and Rediscover Yourself..

Get back to nature, nature knows that this is the journey of your soul. Reconnect and rediscover yourself again.

What is divorce coaching?

In today's modern society divorce is seen as a failure and can be an emotional rollercoaster. You may feel like there is no light at the end of the tunnel as you deal with a daily dose of emotions and worries that appear to have no end in sight.  How will you cope financially? socially?  During the course of one day you can move through happiness, confusion, depression, fear, heartache and anger as you go through the process of divorce.  Just one thought will trigger a myriad of emotions. Divorce coaching might be the answer to help you deal with the trauma of divorce.

It is the divorce coach's role to support their client through this time, helping them to create a solution focused action plan for living in peace, knowing that their clients actions and decisions are not emotion based.  A divorce coach will help you set realistic expectations for the process and help you to create strategies and techniques that will enable you to navigate and cope with the divorce journey.  You will then be able to move forward with a positive attitude and a mindset that is not about getting even or getting back at your ex but one that is self driven. A divorce coach will support you with your decision making and goal setting while you transition into the next phase of your life.

There are side effects of breaking up but there are things you can do to cope.  Divorce coaching is highly effective and helps to support you at any stage in your divorce journey.  Whether you choose a single session to get you on track or if you need on going support there is something for every situation.  One of the benefits of using my service it that you can tailor the program to suit your needs.

Divorce coaching neither offers legal advice nor serves as a substitute for an attorney.  Coaching is not clinical in nature like therapy nor is a medical diagnosis made.  Divorce coaching does not delve into the past to look for causes of difficult issues.  A divorce coach is, however, a mentor and is there to support you with sound strategies for effective communication and guidance during this trying time.

Typically when people are going through a grieving process they forget what could be or what will be and stagnate in what is going on at that very moment.  It is at these times that you have to remember that divorce is only the end of one moment in time but it is certainly not the end. You will gain access to relieving the stress often caused by divorce using varying techniques, and be empowered to take positive action toward designing the next phase of your life. Whether your goal is to have peace and harmony in your family, financial stability or just feel good about yourself again, during the coaching process you will clearly identify your goals and develop practical strategies to reach them. During this process, you will overcome the challenges of your divorce to become your optimal self and have your experience of life be joyful and fulfilling, as it should be.